Rendimiento bruto del procesador

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Registrado: Mar Abr 17, 2012 1:18 pm
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Rendimiento bruto del procesador

Mensaje por josgba2002 »

Propongo por acá añadir el rendimiento bruto de nuestro CPU tal cual como lo tenemos configurado. Para esto vamos a utilizar un programita llamado IntelBurnTest.


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IntelBurnTest v2.53
by AgentGOD
The original. All others are copycats.

Home Page:
Donation :

    A program that simplifies the usage of Intel(R) Linpack. Linpack by
Intel(R) is an extremely stressful program that will put even the most pow-
-erful X86/X64 CPU in the world at its knees. Load temp under Linpack will
be up to 22*C higher than the competing software Prime95. This program will
make usage of Linpack easier and more practical.

Keep in mind, use this program at your own risk. By using this program, you
agree that neither I nor Intel shall be responsible for including, but not
limited to: burned up CPU, fried motherboard, spontaneous room temperature
increase, hair loss, or mental stress.

Xtreme Stress Mode (Right-click the "Start" button) allows unprecedented
improvement of testing accuracy.
    Note: Xtreme Stress Mode may cause the CPU to heat up more than it
        already does. During testing, Windows may not be usable.

    Works with Intel(R) and AMD CPUs. Tested Intel(R) Core 2(tm) Quad
    Q6600, Intel(R) Pentium(tm) III 550 MHz, AMD Athlon 64(tm) X2 4200+,
    and AMD Opteron 165 (Working with AMD processors since v1.7). Also
    tested on AMD Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition.

    Tested on AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM-82, Intel(R) Core(tm) i5 470-UM, 
    Intel(R) Core(tm) i7-2600K

    Tested on Microsoft(R) Windows XP Professional SP2/SP3, XP Professional
    X64 Edition SP2. Tested on Microsoft(R) Windows Vista(tm)/7 X86/X64 SP1
    by many awesome users like yourself ;)

    Tested by many users on Core i7 9xx, 8xx, i5 7xx, i7 2xxx, AMD 10xxt

Benefits of using Linpack:
1. More accurate than Prime95 Small FFTs/Blend (under x64 OS).
2. Takes less time to tell if your CPU/RAM is unstable than Prime95 (usually
   something like 8 minutes Linpack vs 40 hours under Prime95).
3. Use the same stress-testing engine that Intel uses to test their products
   before they are packed and put on shelves for sale.

Benefits of using IntelBurnTest:
1. Simplifies usage of Linpack.
2. Real-time output of results to the screen.
3. Simplifies the process of selecting a test size to use.
4. Better appearance.
5. Intuitive interface.
6. Real-time error checking.
7. System status acknowledgement.

 - An x86/x64 CPU
 - At least 512 MB of system memory. Recommended minimum is 1 GB.
 - A modern Windows-NT based operating system (XP and above). Both x86 and x64 are supported.
 - Microsoft(R) Visual C++ 2008 Runtime (x86), can be found here:
 - Microsoft(R) .NET Framework v2.0 (minimum), can be found here:

How to test CPU and RAM stability (summarized):
Pre. You need to extract everything from the archive to a single folder, while
    maintaining the original directory structure.
1. It is best to use a 64-bit OS with the 64-bit mode for the most accurate
   test result.
2. Use the most available RAM possible (IntelBurnTest can now do this on
   its own automatically). The more memory it uses, the more accurate.
   However, most people can use "Standard" mode as it should be sufficient.
3. Select the run # (should use at least 5 at minimum, no more than 20).
4. Start running. Output should look something like this:
    Time (s)    Speed (GFlops)        Result
    0.269        31.7314            3.684559e-002
    0.260        32.7829            3.684559e-002
    0.257        33.1546            3.684559e-002
    0.264        32.2425            3.684559e-002
    0.266        32.0700            3.684559e-002
   NOTE: The time it takes to run each iteration may vary from test size, and
         so will the speed and the result. But if the results do not stay
      consistent, your system is unstable (specifically CPU).
5. Above indicates that the test ran fine so far without instability, but
   below indicates instability (the Residual(norm) values aren't the same
   throughout running the test):
    Time (s)    Speed (GFlops)        Result
    15.245         43.7434            5.380399e+003
    15.250         43.7303            8.675501e-002
    15.162         43.9816            3.570760e-002
   NOTE: Instability doesn't necessarily have to happen at the beginning, it
     can happen in the middle, or at the end. It could be just ONE of
     them that is inconsistent, but that DOES indicate instability.
     BSOD or freezing are signs of instability as well.
 *As of v2.0, the program will now have real-time result output, as well as
  real-time result checking for system stability based on the consistency
  of the outputted results. The testing will automatically stop if the pro-
  -gram detects such inconsistency. During testing, you should see an ani-
  -mated flame under "Freeze Test". If at any time during the testing you
  see it stop moving, it is most likely that your PC is frozen.

 *As of v2.1, Core i7 users that wish to test with HyperThreading enabled
  can now override the number of threads for Linpack to execute

 *As of v2.2, if you are having any issues with IntelBurnTest, please en-
  able debug logging by right-clicking the "logging" checkbox to do so, and
  then send me the debug log file. It would also be helpful if you also send
  a screenshot of the issue and steps to reproduce the issue.

AgentGOD - Coding this program, duh :)
Cronos (from XS) - for the original the memory size equation
mikeyakame (from XS) - for notifying me of newer binaries
WoZZeR999 (from XS) - memory size suggestion
krille (from XS) - for the constructive criticisms
Rob Williams (from Techgage) - for testing on a Core i7 platform
justin.kerr (from XS) - for testing on a Core i7 platform
Intel - for Linpack and a Core 2(tm) Quad processor ;)

IntelBurnTest, Copyright © 2011-2012 Xtreme Gaming Studio. Linpack, Copyright © Intel(R) Corporation.
AgentGOD escribió:Please check the readme for usage instructions
In my own experience, I used Prime95 on my Q6600 with Small FFTs, which showed that it was stable for 10 hours overnight at the current voltage. However, running Linpack with the most memory I had available (I have 64-bit XP, so I see all 4 GB of my RAM), it indicated instability. I had to raise the voltage up a couple of notches to get it fully stable. This will ensure me that it's now at least 24 hours Prime95 stable, if not 100% stable.
Link de descarga:

¿Cómo ejecutamos la prueba? Corremos el IntelBurnTest en modo de Administrador (si no se producirán errores), con el nivel de estrés en Standard y 10 ciclos.

¿Cómo posteamos nuestros resultados? En un mensaje, ponemos nuestro CPU @Frec plus extras, Sistema operativo y nuestra temperatura ambiente, y adjuntamos una imagen que muestre el CPUID Hardware Monitor, el IntelBurnTest con su cuadro final de confirmación, y tres instancias del CPU-Z (una con la pestaña CPU, otra en Mainboard y la última en Memory). En el contenido del mensaje podemos añadir cualquier comentario adicional.

Este tema en general nos permitirá varias cosas:
Probar la estabilidad de nuestra PC (obviamente también cuando le hacemos OC al CPU o RAM).
Crear una base de datos donde veremos el rendimiento de los CPUs tanto de AMD como de Intel.
Comparar la eficiencia de nuestro CPU Cooler (no hacerlo en este tema, sino crear uno aparte que haga referencia acá).
Última edición por josgba2002 el Lun Jul 16, 2012 10:40 am, editado 1 vez en total.
Without sacrifice there is not victory
- Optimus Prime

steam: faradayuc

Topic author
Mensajes: 167
Registrado: Mar Abr 17, 2012 1:18 pm
Ubicación: Aragua

Re: Rendimiento bruto del procesador

Mensaje por josgba2002 »

Core i7 2600k @3.4Ghz con Turbo Boost - Windows 7 SP1 64 bits - Temp. amb. ~25C
No tienes los permisos requeridos para ver los archivos adjuntos a este mensaje.
Without sacrifice there is not victory
- Optimus Prime

steam: faradayuc

Mensajes: 2242
Registrado: Sab Mar 10, 2012 2:28 pm

Re: Rendimiento bruto del procesador

Mensaje por OJMH7 »

Te sirve con Prime95?? Creo q el prime95 es mejor para probar la estabilidad del sistema que el intel burn test en modo standar (si se pone en modo extremo alli si q es otra historia) aunq en modo extremo las temperaduras tienden al infinito y mas alla :lol:

Por cierto de seguro algun moderador te movera este tema a la seccion de Overclock/Benchs en 3...2....1...
Intel Core i5 3570K @4,5gHz 1.280v
Corsair H60
Dominator Platinum 16gb (4X4 GB) 1866mHz
R9 280x CFX
Sound Blaster Recon3D + X-540 + HD 558
SSD Samsung EVO 250gb + Seagate 2tb
PSU Corsair HX 850w
LG 3D W2363D + NVIDIA 3D Vision Kit
NZXT Phantom 410
Razer Deathadder + Lycosa

Mensajes: 665
Registrado: Mar Abr 24, 2012 10:33 pm
Ubicación: Maracaibo, Par coño viejo

Re: Rendimiento bruto del procesador

Mensaje por ALMNET »



Las temp Maximas con velocidades y coolers stock fueron de 58ºC Para el CPU y de 44ºC en el interior del Case. Todo a Temperatura ambiente maracucha. Las velocidades se muestran como 800Mhz debido al Cn'Q

Edit: Frec Stock 3ghz, MOBO: MSI A75MA-G55, Se monitoreo las temperaturas del CPU con el MSI Control Center y la Temperatura interna del Case con la sonda del propio case (Creo que es un sensor basado en el LM35 o quiza una RTD).
Rig: Canaimita Refurbished version Counter Strike guerra económica Reloaded

Mensajes: 1396
Registrado: Mar Ago 04, 2009 11:07 am
Ubicación: Maracaibo Sector San Miguel C2

Re: Rendimiento bruto del procesador

Mensaje por MRSADISTICS »

el mio lo pase en maximun u xtreem


Mensajes: 665
Registrado: Mar Abr 24, 2012 10:33 pm
Ubicación: Maracaibo, Par coño viejo

Re: Rendimiento bruto del procesador

Mensaje por ALMNET »

MRSADISTICS escribió:el mio lo pase en maximun u xtreem

[ ... 02/QQQ.jpg ]
Que molleja de Fondo de Desktop, Me sale en la noche y me quita el sueño por una semana :lol: :lol: :lol:
Rig: Canaimita Refurbished version Counter Strike guerra económica Reloaded